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                STIDS 2011



The conference is an opportunity for collaboration and cross-fertilization between researchers and practitioners of semantic-based technologies with particular experience in the problems facing the Intelligence, Defense, and Security communities. It will feature invited talks from prominent ontologists and recognized leaders from the target application domains.

To facilitate interchange among communities with a clear commonality of interest but little history of interaction, STIDS will host separate tracks. Research-oriented tracks will showcase original, significant research on semantic technologies applicable to problems in intelligence, defense or security. Submissions research tracks are expected to clearly present their contribution, demonstrate its significance, and show the applicability to problems in the target applications domain. Application-oriented tracks provide a forum for presenting implemented semantic-based applications to intelligence, defense, or security, as well as to discuss and evaluate the use of semantic techniques in these areas. Of particular interest are comparisons between different technologies or approaches and lessons learned from applications. By capitalizing on this opportunity, STIDS could spark dramatic progress toward transitioning semantic technologies from research to the field.


Both tracks welcome the submission of papers on semantic technologies applied to the fields of Intelligence, Defense, and Security. We are especially interested in papers on the following topics:

  • Creating an interoperable suite of public-domain ontologies relevant to intelligence analysis covering areas such as:
    • Biology and health
    • Computer network operations (defense, exploitation, counter-attack)
    • Conditions that foster or inhibit outbreak of violence
    • Course-of-action planning
    • Emergency response
    • Ethnicity, religion and politics;
    • Human factors
    • Infrastructure protection
    • Information sharing
    • Intelligence analysis
    • International law
    • Predictive analysis
    • Resiliency
    • Risk analytics
    • Social networks
    • Spatial and temporal phenomena
    • Vulnerability assessment
  • Ontologies and reasoning under conditions of uncertainty
  • Semantic technology and ontological issues related to:
    • Source credibility and evidential pedigree
    • Use of sensing devices including security, e.g. global infrastructure grid (GIG),
      images and intelligence collection in general
  • Usability issues relating to semantic technology
  • Best practices in ontological engineering

System ready for submissions:   June 15, 2011
Paper submissions due:    September 17, 2011 Extended
Notification of acceptance:    October 10, 2011 Postponed
Camera-ready papers due:   October 25, 2011
Presentations due:   November 8, 2011

Conference dates:
November 15-17, 2011
  Tutorials     November 15
  Main Conference     November 16-17
  Early Bird Registration     October 31 Extended


Both tracks will accept submissions of technical papers. Each submission will be evaluated for acceptability by at least three members of the Program Committee. Decisions about acceptance will be based on relevance to the above topic list, originality, potential significance, topicality and clarity. Because all accepted papers are to be presented at the conference, we require that at least one of the submitting authors must be a registered participant committed to attend STIDS 2011.

Submissions are accepted only in electronic format and should be sent via the conference's submission site. Papers must closely follow the US Letter version of the IEEE format for conference proceedings. For complete details and to download MS Word and LaTeX templates (choose the US Letter size), see IEEE's Manuscript Template webpage at: For complete details, see IEEE's Manuscript Template webpage. .

Technical papers must not exceed 8 pages, including figures. Submissions exceeding this limit will not be reviewed. In addition, papers that, at the time of submission, are under review for or have already been published in or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference will not be accepted to the STIDS conference. All papers must be unclassified and suitable for release in a public forum.


All papers accepted to either track in STIDS 2011 will be presented during the conference and published in the conference proceedings, which will be available as a separate publication after the Conference.

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Last updated: 04/10/2012